Optimize the management of your organization thanks to ANAAIS

Mockup montrant les outils numériques ANAIIS

Our Technological Component

Discover the technological dimension of Siaana Tech with ANAAIS, powerful digital tools at the heart of an innovative organizational model. Personalized support ensures a thorough understanding and effective integration of the philosophy of the ANAAIS system, allowing agency managers, caregivers and relayers/stakeholders to make the most of our technology to transform the way they offer and receive services.

Discover the ANAAIS mobile application

Designed for caregivers and torchbearers, the ANAAIS application makes it possible to connect the caregiver who expresses an atypical request with a trained relay provider who offers a quality service.

Simplified matchmaking

The ANAAIS application is distinguished by its Simplicity How to use: in three steps, caregivers can schedule their moment of respite themselves, at any time 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, and be directly connected to a pool of previously identified, trained, trusted and nearby torchbearers to intervene without delay.

Instant notifications

The ANAAIS application offers a instantaneity the response to the request by the relayers/interveners themselves (less than 3 hours on average). They respond to specific requests for respite according to their availability.

Adaptability to needs

The tool can be adapted according to the evolution of the needs of dyads (care-givers), in terms of frequency, duration and intensity.

Mockup smartphone pour l'application mobile ANAIIS

Our Organizational Component

The Association for the Structuring of the Organization of Atypical Respite (ASORA) is a non-profit organization (OSBN) that supports organizations in integrating the innovative organizational model that is the ANAAIS system. ASORA identifies and trains self-employed workers to relay services at home and then connects them to partner organizations.

Contact us

If you want to know more about ANAAIS technology contact us.


Common questions about Siaana Tech Services and ANAAIS technology.

What does SIAANA TECH means?

In french the acronym is: "SIAANA is the verlan of ANAAIS. TECH refers to Technology."

Who is the ANAAIS system intended for?

The ANAAIS system is intended for organizations in the community or medico-social field. For example, Family Community Organizations (OCF), Social Economy Enterprises for Home Care (ESSAD), Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CIUSSS), non-profit organizations (OBNL), or social purpose organizations. These organizations must already provide respite to their service recipients (informal caregivers) and/or intend to offer them flexible respite.

What is the ANAAIS system?

The ANAAIS system is an organizational and technological solution that allows informal caregivers to have respite at any time and with ease. The technological aspect is developed by Siaana Tech, and the organizational aspect is managed by the ASORA organization.

What is the ANAAIS technology?

The ANAAIS technology comprises two digital tools: the mobile application ANAAIS designed for informal caregivers and relayeurs, both identified and referenced on the ANAAIS management platform. The ANAAIS management platform is intended for managers of community and medico-social organizations.

What does ANAAIS means?

In french the acronym means: "Let's help our seniors and caregivers with Social Internet."

What is flexible respite?

Flexible respite is a type of non-scheduled respite that can be associated with emergency assistance. The ANAAIS system is designed for organizations whose service recipients (informal caregivers) express a need or request for respite that is: Flexible (less than 24 hours), atypical (evenings, weekends, outside office hours), one-time (non-recurrent), short-term at home (3-4 hours on average), with a short response time (emergency or crisis situation), and at home.

What is the difference between need and demand?

Demand is the expression of the expectation or need by the informal caregiver. Need is a sense of lack that is not always expressed. When informal caregivers express a respite request, they often have reached their limit and are in a state of exhaustion. It is important to prevent this state and provide respite promptly.

What type of organizational manager is the ANAAIS system designed for?

Managers of these organizations must be visionary, leaders, and committed to addressing the needs and requests expressed by informal caregivers.

Who are the relayeurs?

A relayeur is a person who steps in for the informal caregiver to allow them to take a break. The relayeur in the ANAAIS system is a self-employed worker identified and trained by ASORA to respond to specific respite requests from informal caregivers, based on their availability.

I am a manager. I would like to benefit from the tools but without the organization, is that possible?

The ANAAIS system is primarily a philosophy that needs to be embraced by organizational managers. It's not just about downloading an application and a management platform; it involves guiding the non-profit organization (OBNL) through organizational change to enhance efficiency and better fulfill its mission towards caregivers. Implementing the ANAAIS system in an organization requires leadership, vision, and a willingness on the part of managers. They need to be supported in a process of organizational change, which can only be effectively achieved through a dedicated structure for this purpose.

am a manager. I want to benefit only from the ANAAIS mobile application (without the ANAAIS management platform) for my service recipients. Is this possible?

No, it is not possible; the tools are intertwined and essential to each other. The ANAAIS application is a tool directly connecting the caregiver and the informal caregiver. As a manager, you are responsible for monitoring respite missions and ensuring their quality, which the ANAAIS management platform allows in real-time. Additionally, with the management platform, you can automate billing, accounting, statistics, satisfaction indicators, all in real-time. The management platform allows you to generate relevant reports for your funders and Board of Directors. It's a time and efficiency gain.

My service recipients, informal caregivers, do not express a need for flexible respite. On what data do you rely to assert that the needs and requests are for these types of services?

Burnout is not anticipated. It is entirely possible that your service recipients may not express such requests, especially if you do not offer more flexible services. It would be best to survey informal caregivers.

I am a caregiver, I need respite, how can I benefit from your application?

We strongly suggest you reach out to your CIUSSS or your local community organization. To benefit from our application, you need to be referred by the organization to which you are affiliated. This organization must have a usage license for our technology.

How much does your technology cost? Is it possible to have a demonstration?

You want to learn more about our tools, write to us.

Who is the ANAAIS system intended for?

The ANAAIS system is intended for organizations in the community or medico-social field. For example, Family Community Organizations (OCF), Social Economy Enterprises for Home Care (ESSAD), Integrated Health and Social Services Centers (CIUSSS), non-profit organizations (OBNL), or social purpose organizations. These organizations must already provide respite to their service recipients (informal caregivers) and/or intend to offer them flexible respite.

Do you still have questions?

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